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G.S. Brouwer

From the desk of


G.S. Brouwer is a teacher and tutor in Chicagoland high schools. He loves the em-dash and writes upmarket and literary fiction stories by whatever means available, be it longhand, manual typewriter, laptop, or tidbits furiously swiped into his phone in the dark of the nursery. Long before Greg knew anything about being published, he wrote books on pages folded in half and stapled between pieces of construction paper. Now he writes characters who are seekers, looking for purpose and the deepest meanings in life. Originally from the Jersey Shore, he attended college in the Midwest and wandered the country before calling Chicago home. He lives with his family and an opinionated Sheltie named Bella.

In The Press

What People Are Saying

You know how to write sentences that are lovely to read... you know how to work a sentence on a structure level that blows my mind.

Nope, sorry. I still like you.

It makes it very clear what your "author brand" is. You are very much into 1) time periods 2) big questions 3) romance/relationships that leave impact or create growth.

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Anonymous Editor

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